Horses for Sale
Honey is 16yrs old and 13.1hh.
She is an excellent pony for a little or beginner, she has been great at giving my girls confidence but unfortunately they have out grown her and she is way too good to waste sitting in the paddock.
Very easy to do...
Had 3 rides great project just don’t have the time and too many to feed quiet and easy to do anything will make a great all rounder beautiful nature up to date with farrier teeth worming. Will continue to ride him when able to until sold
Poppy is a sweet mare, who has been an amazing mother. She is broken to saddle but is cold backed so does buck. When worked she was a nice ride just lazy. Her filly is part Arab not reg. They will only be sold to approved home. Payment plan avail...
8yo Brown Riding Pony, 13.3hh
"Teddy" has done 2 years of pony club and also some low level showing. He has competed successfully in Prelim dressage, is a calm and capable jumper and has even been on a week-long camping trail ride carrying a ...
12.5 hand, 9 year old, gelded, standard bred donkey.
Very strong & solid donk with good all round comfirmation.
Over 2000 km of recent packing experience.
Excellent feet & will pick up all four with little fuss.
Used to all forms of halter bas...
Beautiful 13yo purebred quarter horse mare 14.3hh. Done Pony Club/Gymkanas and show Jumping. Experienced Rider. Can provide video's.
15.2hh 12 Yr old TB gelding, competed Premil and Novice with scores in high 60's.
Competed at 80cm successfully.
Benny is a gentleman with a "can do" attitude, he learns fast, laterals and flying changes established.
Very easy to catch, shoe...
Qh broodmare, Unbroken but easy to handle,7 years old, approx 15hh. Optional free service to our Australian draught horse stallion.
800 ono