Latest Horse Articles & News

Tips For Selling Horses
March 20, 2014

When it comes to selling horses there are some definite do’s and don’ts. Here are a few tips.

Buyers say the number one, absolute top thing to consider is photos.

Most buyers agree that the photos you include with an ad are almost always the deciding factor that will influence whether or not they call you for further information.

Tips For Selling Horses
Alternative Roughage Sources: Fibre Nuggets Combining Nutrition And Convenience
June 6, 2013

Roughage is critical for the health and well-being of all horses and should be the basis for any feeding program. Understanding the design, function and reliance of the horse’s digestive system on roughage is the first step in appreciating the critical value of roughage. Knowledge of what’s in roughage, the types and physical forms of roughage and importance of roughage quality should be common knowledge for all horse owners.

Alternative Roughage Sources: Fibre Nuggets Combining Nutrition And Convenience
Equinome, The Irish Equine Genomics Company, To Open Australian Office
November 23, 2012

Equinome, a leading Irish equine genomics company, today announced that it is establishing a sales and marketing office in Australia.

Equinome, The Irish Equine Genomics Company, To Open Australian Office
Exciting Jumping At SSJC End Of Year Championships
November 23, 2012

The Sydney Showjumping Club is gearing up for their biggest event of the year on 1st & 2nd December, the End of Year Championships.

Exciting Jumping At SSJC End Of Year Championships
Gluck Researcher Publishes Equine Parasite Control Handbook
November 22, 2012

Veterinary practitioners, laboratory and veterinary technicians, farm managers, and other equine professionals frequently request updated information on and guidance for equine parasite control. Changing recommendations and the existence of several unsupported myths make it challenging to define a proper parasite control program.

Gluck Researcher Publishes Equine Parasite Control Handbook
The HHalter Project
November 20, 2012

The HHalter Project looking for horse owners to take part in survey that is investigating the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of horse owners and those involved with horses over the next two years.

The HHalter Project
American Vets And Equine Practitioners Step Up To End Soring
November 20, 2012

Today the American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Association of Equine Practitioners issued a joint statement of support for the Amendments to the Horse Protection Act, H.R. 6388.

American Vets And Equine Practitioners Step Up To End Soring
American Humane Association Calls Animal Deaths On ‘The Hobbit’ Unacceptable
November 20, 2012

American Humane Association, which has protected more than a million animals in film during the 70+ years of its famed “No Animals Were Harmed®” program with a 99.98 percent safety rate on set, called the injuries and deaths of animals living at the working farm where some of the animal actors from “The Hobbit” were also being housed needless and unacceptable.

American Humane Association Calls Animal Deaths On ‘The Hobbit’ Unacceptable
Cream Of Australia Aims To Rise To The Top In Adelaide
November 19, 2012

Riders in the northern hemisphere may have packed up for their winter break, but it’s all go at the other side of the world as competitors prepare for their premier event, Australia’s International 3 Day Event in Adelaide, the second leg of the HSBC FEI Classics™ 2012/2013.

Cream Of Australia Aims To Rise To The Top In Adelaide
Equitana Transport Review
November 19, 2012

One of the things I really wanted to do at Equitana this year was take a close up look at horse transport – floats, goosenecks, trailers and trucks . There were around a dozen different models displayed and just over half of these were from overseas (USA or European).

Equitana Transport Review