Four-time FEI World Cup™ Driving Champion Boyd Exell (AUS) had an excellent start of the FEI World Cup™ Driving’s 12th season in Hannover, Germany this weekend. Exell and his team of horses were in top form and they performed as if their last World Cup competition had taken place only last week and not eight months ago at the previous season’s Final held in Bordeaux (FRA) in Febuary. Exell won the opening leg in Hannover ahead of IJsbrand Chardon (NED) and Tomas Eriksson (SWE).
Latest Horse Articles & News
October 23, 2012
Colostrum or "first milk" is the thick, yellow secretion from the mammary gland, present immediately after birth. Produced in the mare's udder during the last two to four weeks of gestation in response to hormonal changes, colostrum contains concentrated immunoglobulin (antibodies) from the mare's serum. Colostrum and its protective antibodies are present in the mare's milk for only the first day after foaling; these maternal antibodies are necessary to protect the foal against infectious diseases. For various reasons, breeders may need or opt to collect colostrum.
October 23, 2012
If you are a Dressage fan or competitor at any level, the “Saturday Daily Package” offers a fantastic day of learning and entertainment, right through to the Evening Dressage Freestyle Grand Final. The education program for the day has been specially designed to help you look at many of the issues that affect producing a dressage horse.
October 17, 2012
The Ranvet State ODE Championship was held recently at the Albury Wodonga Equestrian Centre from the 6-7th October 2012. Much to the delight of competitors and their families, Olympic Bronze medallist and former pony club member Shane Rose attended the Saturday night dinner sharing some of his experiences from pony club to international level competition.
October 10, 2012
Through domesticating horses we have changed their feeding patterns. What the horse eats should provide them with all the nutritional components that are necessary for all organs and systems resulting in a healthy body that performs in harmonious unison. A properly functioning body does an amazing job of preventing dis-ease and healing itself. To do this the body requires a well-balanced diet. Good nutrition can both prevent and cure dis-ease.
October 10, 2012
WASHINGTON (October 6, 2012)--Protect Mustangs announced on Facebook Friday their call for nationwide protests to stop the roundups and stop the BLM from selling federally protected wild horses to kill-buyers.
October 10, 2012
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has recently updated some of its Hendra Virus information.
October 3, 2012
Friday the 16th of November at the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds is a day that you should definitely grab a ticket for - whether you are a dedicated Reining or western disciplines fan, or if you enjoy great equine action, expert riding and fantastic entertainment!
October 3, 2012
Twenty eight teams with 140 competitors travelled from all over NSW for the Bungendore Community Bank State Mounted Games Championship over the weekend of the 29-30th September at Bungendore Showgrounds, Bungendore.
October 3, 2012
The Cedar Grove and District Riding Club in conjunction with the Qld Horse Council is holding a LAR Awareness Course on the 13th October.